10 Fascinating Facts You Probably Didn’t know

3 min readMay 23, 2023


Unveiling Hidden Knowledge: 10 Fascinating Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

In a world filled with endless information, it’s always a delight to stumble upon intriguing nuggets of hidden knowledge. We often come across well-known facts, but there are countless lesser-known tidbits that can leave us amazed and wanting to learn more. In this article, we delve into the realm of hidden knowledge, presenting you with 10 fascinating facts that are sure to pique your curiosity and expand your understanding of the world.

1. The Origin of “Rule of Thumb”:
Have you ever wondered about the origin of the phrase “rule of thumb”? Unbeknownst to many, it is believed to have originated from an old English law that allowed husbands to beat their wives with a stick no thicker than their thumb. Discover the unexpected history behind this widely used expression.

2. Cleopatra and the Moon Landing:
Think Cleopatra lived in ancient times? Surprisingly, she lived closer in time to the moon landing than to the construction of the Great Pyramids of Giza. Unravel this astonishing temporal perspective and marvel at the fascinating connections it brings.

3. The Indian Origin of Zero:
Ever contemplated the significance of the number zero? Its origin can be traced back to India in the 5th century. Delve into the historical roots of this essential numerical digit and explore the profound impact it has had on mathematics and our understanding of the world.

4. The Power of Placebos:
Placebos are commonly associated with medical trials, but did you know that the placebo effect can be effective even if the person knows they are receiving a placebo? Explore the fascinating realm of the human mind and its ability to influence healing and well-being.

5. Debunking the 10% Brain Myth:
The notion that humans only use 10% of their brains is a persistent myth. In reality, the brain is constantly active and engaged, showcasing its remarkable complexity and potential. Uncover the truth behind this popular misconception and gain a deeper appreciation for the incredible capabilities of the human brain.

6. The Tittle Above ‘i’ and ‘j’:
Have you ever noticed the small dot above the lowercase letters ‘i’ and ‘j’? It has a name! Discover the tittle and its significance in typography, adding a delightful layer of knowledge to your everyday observations.

7. The Timeless Honey:
Honey is known for its sweet taste and various uses, but did you know that it never spoils? Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still edible. Unveil the mysterious preservation properties of honey and uncover its remarkable longevity.

8. The Three-Hearted Octopus:
Prepare to be amazed by the world of marine creatures. Did you know that octopuses have not one, not two, but three hearts? Learn about the unique physiology of these remarkable cephalopods and discover the wonders of marine life.

9. The 38-Minute War:
In the annals of military history, the shortest war ever recorded took place in 1896 between Britain and Zanzibar. Astonishingly, the war lasted a mere 38 minutes. Explore the unusual circumstances that led to this brief but significant conflict.

10. Everest’s Ever-Growing Summit:
Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, continues to grow. Thanks to tectonic plate movements, Everest is still increasing in height by a few millimeters each year. Gain a new perspective on the ever-changing nature of our planet and the majestic forces that shape it.

Hidden knowledge is all around us, waiting to be discovered and shared. By uncovering these 10 fascinating facts, we’ve scratched the surface of a vast

